
Marketing for novel therapeutics, contract research services, and supporting technologies.

About the Biotechnology Industry

The biotech industry is on a “fast track.” Technological advancements and public health events have thrust the industry into the public eye. At the same time, attention from funding organizations (i.e., venture capitalists and private equity firms) has made this a rewarding industry to be in. For instance, over the last decade, pharmaceutical companies have opposed proprietary, in-house therapeutics in favor of biotech acquisitions with novel therapeutics. Opportunities abound. Still, many biotechs struggle to position themselves for fundraising, while others “have the science”—but can’t meet customers in the middle for sales.

How Marketing Helps Biotechnology Organizations

Marketing helps biotech organizations secure funders and end-users alike by standing out from the competition. It’s important for biotechs to position themselves correctly for both target segments. Marketing identifies each target’s needs and desires and encourages action via the showcase of data, new developments, and collateral such as strategic web-based assets (i.e., social media, websites, and e-commerce solutions), tradeshows, press attention, and more.

Gain Funding

Effective marketing plans emphasize value and attract VC investment, government funding, and partnerships with larger pharma and biotech companies. Marketing positions companies above (or complementary to) their competition to secure the next round of funding and continue their development programs.

Put More Money Into R&D

Biotechs generally employ smaller teams. The allocation of funds outside of R&D can drastically impact timing, quality, asset acquisitions, and the quantity of available labor. A marketing firm with biotech-specific knowledge costs far less than an internal marketing team. The agency becomes an extension of your team and reduces "opportunity cost" by freeing more resources for R&D.

Strategic Public Relations

Biotechs need eyes on their science—and they need to be the right ones. Marketing agencies like High Touch Group develop investor relations plans to generate attention and strategically secure funding. Associated tactics often include placements in trade publications, podcast interviews, media appearances, website development, blogs, webinars, and more.

Why High Touch Group?

High Touch Group’s marketing pedigree is science- and engineering-focused. We understand the biotechnology industry, the press, and the funders, and we leverage it to position clients for success. We have been successful in shepherding several of our clients to acquisition.

View our services here.

How Can We Help?

Generate leads. Drive revenue. Get results for your engineering and science services today.